Friday, October 30, 2009

Getting to Know Jonathan & Michelle (Part 3)

(Note: This is a series of emails from Jonathan Jones for the members of the Maryville Church of Christ. If you received this email by mistake, or had rather not get it (fine, be that way) just send me a note and I will take you off the mailing list).

Meet Our Dog, Marco

After possibly grossing out some of you (who are not down with the hunting/fishing thing) with our last "Getting to Know Jonathan & Michelle" email, we will try and appeal to the softer, gentler side with this one.
Soon after we got married, Michelle began to beg me for a dog (can any of you guys relate?). You have to understand, we grew up with lots of animals, and lots of dogs, on my family's farm. However, Dad had a strict rule...dogs belong outside (On an interesting side-note, dad has softened that rule since we left home. Mom now has an indoor German short hair named Sadie). Needless to say, I was opposed to having an indoor dog. But like Dad, I too caved into the love my life. But there was one stipulation, it had to be a dog that we both loved. I have always loved Spaniels. My favorite has been the Caviler King Charles Spaniel. So after several weeks of searching for breeders, I found a man who had a litter with only two pups left in Jackson, TN. This was right before our first Christmas as a married couple.
After returning from taking graduate classes at in Henderson, I walked into the back door that cold winter night with my big heavy coat on. Under the coat I was hiding our new little puppy. I entered the living room and "unveiled" Michelle's Christmas gift. We decided to name our pup "Marco" since we went to "Marco Island" in Florida for our honeymoon just a couple of months earlier.
Marco has a great personality and loves to play and sleep. When he plays he plays hard and when he sleeps, he sleeps hard. We came into the house one day talking and laughing and entered our bedroom to find Marco fast asleep on our bed (an absolute "no-no" in our house). When we finally roused him from his slumber, he knew he was in big trouble.

1 comment:

Dale's Spot said...

Jonathan - these are excellent and a great idea I'd not seen or thought of. Good work. Great seeing you and MIchelle last nght.