Friday, October 30, 2009

Getting to Know Jonathan & Michelle (Part 4)

(Note: This is a series of emails from Jonathan Jones for the members of the Maryville Church of Christ. If you received this email by mistake, or had rather not get it (fine, be that way) just send me a note and I will take you off the mailing list).

10 Random Facts About Us
1. We had our wedding rehearsal dinner in an old southern mansion where a Confederate, Civil War General was murdered (for having an affair!).

2. Our favorite television show to watch together is Smallville (A show about how the young Kal-El, a.k.a. Clark Kent, becomes the Superman we all know and love).

3. Since we have been married (two years), our television has never been on a sports network or sporting event of any kind. (Sorry, all you Vols fans!).

4. We are both one of 4 children. Jonathan has two brothers and one sister. Michelle, two sisters and one brother.

5. Our favorite place to eat is Cracker Barrel (We are pretty sure that fried chicken, pinto beans, and grits will be on the table in Heaven's banquet feast).

6. We both prayed for each other for years. We know God put us together. A girl from Denver, Colorado and a farm boy from Hampshire, TN. God completely did it!

7. Michelle is very conservative with money and hates to shop (she is a man's dream come true!).

8. Jonathan loves to play sports, but hates watching sports on television (he is a woman's dream come true!).

9. We sang to each other during our wedding. Well, Michelle sang...Jonathan tried to keep up.

10. Michelle sporadically checks her email. Jonathan checks his email daily, but with very rare exception does he ever open an email that is a "forward." (You can't begin to imagine how many "forward" emails preachers get--don't be surprised if you send me one and I never read it!).

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