Saturday, June 02, 2007

Maury Christian Camp 2007!

This week and next week is Maury Christian Camp at Short Mountain in Woodbury, TN. I will be one of the Bible teachers for Week 2. I have the privilege (and challenge) of teaching a group of juniors in high school. We are studying "Acts in Action: A Study of Evangelism."
Maury Christian Camp is a fun week full of swimming, horseback riding, volleyball, softball, basketball, and horseshoes (a Counselor favorite). But even better is all of the great Bible classes, devotionals, encouragement cards, spiritual discussion, and "circle of friends" singing (my personal favorite).
I will miss being in Spring Hill this coming week, but Church Camp is a time for spiritual renewal for kids and adults alike. I always come back from camp recharged!
Here are my lessons for camp this week, in case any of my students want to print off the lessons when they get back home. Also, maybe some of you kidos at Spring Hill who did not sign up to go this year (shame on you!) will want to study these lessons on your own.

Jonathan's Camp Lessons

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