Monday, June 04, 2007

Grace Will Build You Up!

I received several great comments on the first lesson in the current Sunday Night series "Amazing Grace." When you begin to understand the biblical concept of grace it is overwhelming! It is transforming! It is uplifting! It is liberating! The best material that I have read on this topic is a book by Jack Cottrell called "13 Lessons on Grace." Much of my lessons in this series will be directly adapted from this book.
One additional thought on grace that was pointed out to me while at church camp is Acts 20:32. When leaving for Jerusalem, Paul tells the Ephesian elders, "I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up...." The word of God's grace is the essence of the gospel and why it is such good news. When you understand the "word of God's grace" it will build up your spirit like nothing else!

1 comment:

Matthew said...


We had a class at FHU together. Glad to see that you got a blog. Check out mine sometime.