Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Finding an Amazing Treasure

A very interesting story was reported by the Associated Press on Monday (May 17, 2010). The headline reads "$20,000 Found Hidden in Estate Sale Furniture." According to the story "a furniture liquidation business found bundles of cash hidden in the back of an armoire." The store owners returned the money which was desperately needed to pay the medical bills of the armoire's original owner. It turns out that the woman's husband had hidden the money because he did not trust banking institutions.

This real-life story rings of the parables told by Jesus about the hidden treasure (Matthew 13:44). Jesus says, "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." Jesus' instruction here emphasizes the supreme value of the kingdom of heaven. Do we see the great value in being a follower of Christ?

Sometimes we view the cost of discipleship that Jesus often discusses (Matt. 10:37-39; 19:27-29) as being a burden. This man happily gave up everything he had because of the extreme value of the treasure he had found. This man did not look at what he had to "give up" as being a sacrifice. Instead, this man sold everything because he wanted to buy something much greater! As R.T. France observes, "The disciple's 'giving up' is in the context of joy!"

Most of us would be glad to give more than we thought the armoire was worth if we knew $20,000 was secretly stashed inside. We might even "give up" many of our other possessions to raise the money to buy the armoire. Heaven is the greatest treasure of all. How can you put a price tag on eternal life? Let us joyfully give up everything that would hinder us from obtaining this heavenly treasure!

Works Cited:
France, R.T. The Gospel According to Matthew. Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, 1985. Page 229.

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