Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Are Earthquakes a Sign of Jesus' Return?

I suddenly woke up Tuesday morning (April 20, 2010) at around 5:30 a.m. to the sound of our entire apartment shaking. My suspicions were confirmed a few hours later by the news reports that Maryville (and Blount County) had experienced a 3.3 magnitude earthquake at 5:28 a.m. According to Google Maps, the epicenter of the quake was just over a mile away from our apartment on William Blount Drive.
This was the first earthquake that I have ever experienced. It was very unsettling. When the earth moves, we quickly consider the one who holds the earth in his hand and how we are all accountable to him (cf. 2 Cor. 5:10). Such natural events can be good spiritual reminders.
The early followers of Jesus were taught to "watch" for Jesus' return (Luke 12:35-40), and they lived in a constant state of preparedness (1 Peter 4:7; Revelation 22:20). Jesus spoke of his second coming in terms of its abruptness when he said, "You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect" (Luke 12:40). Likewise, Paul confirmed that it would be unexpected like a thief (1 Thess. 5:3).
However, it is popularly believed that there are "signs" that a person can watch for that will signal Jesus' return. What about the "wars and rumors of wars" and the "famines and earthquakes" that Jesus warned about in Matthew 24:6-8? Does the seeming increase in seismic activity around the world signal Jesus' return and Judgment Day?
Notice carefully the context of Matthew 24. The apostles essentially ask two separate questions of Jesus (in verse 3) as they observe the large stones of the temple (Matt. 24:1-3). The first question: "When will these things be [that is, when "one stone (of the temple) will not be left upon another"-vs. 2]?" The second question: "And what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?"
Jesus answers the first question in verses 4-35. Jesus says that "this generation will not pass away until all these things take place" (vs. 34). "All these things" describe everything prior to verse 34, which includes the "wars, rumors of wars" and the "earthquakes." Jesus gave these "warning signs" that would signal the Temple and Jerusalem's destruction. This did occur in the lifetime ("this generation") of Jesus' hearers in A.D. 70. Wayne Jackson points out that ancient historians recorded the occurrence of earthquakes around the time of Jerusalem's destruction [Such were recorded by Josephus (Wars,4.4), Tacitus (Annals xii.58; xiv.27; xv.22), and Seneca (Epistle 91)].
Jesus begins answering the question of what would be the "sign" of his second coming in verse 36. It is there that Jesus plainly says, "But concerning that day and hour [of his return] no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only."
While earthquakes can be a good spiritual "wake up call" there is no evidence in Scripture to indicate that such are "signs" of Jesus' return. His return will be unexpected and without any warning. Therefore, we must be constantly ready and watching.


darker than silence said...

Good stuff, Man. And I am jealous you got to experience an earthquake (without considerable damage, of course).

darker than silence said...

I swung by your site and really like it. I completely agree with your perspectives on this, and I saw that you're a fan of Dallas Willard in an earlier post. Willard is the bomb.