Monday, April 06, 2009

The Suffering of the Savior

I have been doing a sermon series for the past four weeks which will conclude Sunday called "Jesus' Final Days." Last week, we explored "Jesus Final Friday" with a graphic lesson on the crucifixion (we had a class for children downstairs because of the intense nature of the lesson).
Normally, crucifixion victims would linger in excruciating pain for days upon the Roman crucifix. Pilate questions if Jesus has already died after only 6 hours on the cross (Matt. 15:44). Jesus death was likely hastened because of the torture he endured while he was being scourged.
The gospel writers only briefly mention that Jesus was scourged without giving the graphic details (Matt. 27:26). Historically, we know that scourging was a barbaric method of torture. It involved using a whip that had pieces of glass and metal tied to the ends. With each slash of the whip, the pieces of glass and metal would become embedded into the flesh of the victim. As the solider jerked the whip backward, hunks of flesh would be ripped from the victim's back. As you can imagine, most people did not survive scourging. It seems that Jesus was in strong physical condition to survive scourging and then crucifixion for six hours.
One member asked me after the lesson if the scourging scene in The Passion of the Christ was accurate or had the producers embellished the gore for the screen. It seems to me from the historic evidence about scourging that the bloody scene is rather accurate. It is also insightful to note that this bloody torture is hinted at later by Peter, "by his stripes you are healed" (1 Peter 2:24, KJV). Even more noteworthy is the prophecy of Isaiah about the suffering of the Messiah. Notice the NIV translation of Isaiah 52:14, "Just as there were many who were appalled at him-- his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and his form marred beyond human likeness." Apparently, Jesus was so disfigured during his "Passion" that he did not even look human but was rather a bloody mass of flesh. No wonder Jesus cried out to God with loud screams to save him from that death (Heb. 5:7). Let us be thankful that Jesus was willing to do his Father's will over his own desires. Because of Jesus' wounds we experience spiritual healing! Thank you Jesus!

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