Thursday, May 08, 2008

Are You Spiritual Enough to Find Solutions?

This week a comment was made to me that really hit home personally. This person said, "Too many Christians are spiritual enough to find what is wrong with the church, but not spiritual enough to offer solutions." The church is made up of imperfect people, so no group of Christians will ever be perfect. There is a continual need to examine ourselves, to improve, and to "stimulate one another to love and good works" (Hebrews 10:24). We must continue to find ways to improve ourselves, our congregations, and the kingdom at large.
However, it is easy to point out things that are wrong. Anyone can identify weaknesses and points for needed improvement. It is much more difficult to find solutions. I once heard someone say that you should not ever make a complaint unless you also have a plan of how to correct the problem.
We must not only have a plan for correcting problems, but we must be willing to step forward and lead others into a solution. It is true, too many of us are spiritual enough to spot problems but not strong enough to lead in constructive improvements.
For example, many are strong enough to identify, "this church needs a more organized youth group," but are not strong enough to lead teenage Bible studies in their home. It is easy to have the strength to say, "too many people are falling away from our congregation," but not have the strength to lead a program to go and find those who have become spiritually lost. Many more examples could be given, but you see the point.
Yes, it is easy to point out deficiencies in the church; most of us are rather good at it. Do you have the strength to not only suggest solutions but lead the way to improvement?

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