Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Oprah's False Teaching

God by inspiring the Apostle Paul warned Christians that the day would come when people would no longer be satisfied to listen to the simple message of the gospel. There would come a time when people no longer would desire to hear "sound doctrine" but wishing to have their ears tickled would gather teachers that would tell them what they desired to hear (2 Timothy 4:2-3). Among the new generation of people pushing dangerous false teaching is the pop-culture icon Oprah Winfrey. It is time that Christians everywhere awake out of our slumber and stand for truth in the age in which we live. Click above to watch this disturbing video. (YouTube Link:


Anonymous said...

I wish this was an April Fool's joke.

Anonymous said...

True. Oprah has gone (or has been for a while) new age. What's most dangerous is she mixes in enough "Christianity" to confuse people. It sounds Christian, but it's anything but! BTW, you misspelled Oprah's name.

Jonathan Jones II said...

Thanks, I corrected the spelling of her name.

newlife47 said...

I think some Christians are embracing this teaching because they are looking for something they know God has for them. .joy, love (agape), acceptance, prosperity, etc. all the things Jesus came to give us. . .some Christians are not finding this in today's churches. They are so desperately looking for something that would make their lives better (even though they are sitting Sunday after Sunday in the church). What do you think?

Anonymous said...

For some time now people have been looking for love & acceptance more than ever; especially our young adults & youth. If you are not rooted & grounded in the Truth, you can be easily tossed like waves in the sea and led astray to believe anything that "works" with your lifestyle. Yes, people are being wounded & turned away in churches more than ever before. There are many "clicks" in the churches that we should be able to call our family. I believe this is one of many leadings into the rapture of the church. If you listen to even Obama, Obama's pastor, Oprah and many Hollywood screen stars you can really recognise just a piece of it. Oprah has been building her followers for years. She is looked on by many as an angel of mercy & help herself. Why would any of them dought anything she has to say or what she does or doesn't believe? This is another wakeup call to us!

Jonathan Jones II said...

This Oprah issue must have really touched a nerve with several of you; I've never had so many responses to a post! I think many of you are making great observations. People are really seeking spiritual significance today. The church should provide this. However, too often churches are stuck in their creeds and traditions, so that many people are not finding real spirituality in the main-line denominations and even in the churches of Christ. So, people begin looking elsewhere. If the church was really what it is suppose to be, people would be knocking the door down to get what Jesus has to offer...peace, security, joy, belonging, healing, etc. It is time to relaunch the Restoration of New Testament Christianity. We need people who are bold enough to challange our traditional beliefs and methods and return to genuine, spirit-filled Christianity as described in the New Testament. We need modern day Martin Luthers, Barton Stones, and Thomas Campbells. Better yet, we need the spirit of Jesus Christ filling the hearts of the church today.