Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Transforming Power of Grace

Annie was addicted to prescription medication. She also abused alcohol. She was unreliable, mean-spirited, and even hateful. No one really liked being around her, and most people talked about her behind her back. No one respected Annie, and in reality she did not deserve any respect.

Few people took time to consider the reason behind Annie's problems. She had been raised in a house where she was never given any respect. Her parents always told her she was worthless. Soon she came to believe it. When people told her how wrong she was to be addicted to drugs and abuse alcohol, it made her feel even more worthless and more of a failure. This worthlessness actually fueled her addictions even further. It was a vicious cycle, the more people told her how wrong she was, the more she retreated into her destructive behavior.

One day, however, a kind woman named Tanya met Annie. Tanya treated her with kindness and with love. Tanya never criticized Annie's behavior, and never looked upon her with condescension. Even though Annie deserved no respect, Tanya treated her with respect anyway. Annie's self-esteem began to grow. Soon she began to have a sense of self-worth. Her destructive habits no longer seemed as appealing. Tanya showed grace to Annie, and that grace transformed her life.

Law enslaves but grace transforms. Continually hearing that we are wrong and have violated the law makes us feel worthless and actually fuels further transgression of the law (Rom. 5:20-21). In the New Covenant of Jesus Christ, God extended love toward us even while we were sinners and were undeserving of his mercy (Rom. 5:8). God did not send his Son Jesus to come in order to condemn us, but to offer the grace of God's salvation (John 3:17). By offering grace to those who are worthless, it makes us realize we can really change and become better people. Thanks be to God for the transforming power of his free gift of grace toward us!

1 comment:

Matthew said...

A great lesson, see you soon.