Monday, August 20, 2007

Craving Light (Understanding)

I'm only five classes away from finishing a second Master's Degree. People often ask me, "why do you keep going back to school?" It seems that some that ask me this question have an natural aversion to education. Maybe they had bad experiences in school.

The reason that I keep going back to school is the same reason I keep buying and reading books. I crave to know. When commander Richard Byrd wrote about his six-month long journey to the South Pole, he wrote, "I find that I crave light as a thirsting man craves water." After weeks of seeming perpetual darkness, Byrd literally craved light. That is how I feel about gaining understanding and education about this world and the world to come.

The Bible directs us to seek out understanding and knowledge. The Proverbs declare, "Buy truth, and do not sell it get wisdom and instruction and understanding" (23:23). We must never be satisfied with our level of understanding. We are instructed to continually grow in knowledge (2 Peter 1:5). Christians never stop going to school. We must never stop learning.

May we all continue to sit at the feet of inspired writers as we daily pour over the words of inspired writ. May we all listen and watch attentively as God teaches us through the experiences of life. May we all crave light, like a thirsting man craves water. After all, Jesus came to give us light (John 1:4).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the new homepage.Also I like you love to know it's like I can't learn enough.So no matter what people say you keep reading and learning as much as your mind can learn.