Sunday, May 06, 2007

Planet Earth

Have you been watching the documentary Planet Earth on the Discovery Channel? Michelle and I happened to catch a couple of the episodes the other night. Amazing! The documentary was five years in the making and covers some 204 locations on earth all filmed with high definition cameras.

Several of the creatures that they showed have never been captured on video before. There are amazing birds found deep within the jungle that will amaze you! There are blue glowing worms that illuminate the ceiling of caves deep within the earth! As we were watching the show, Michelle made a great observation: "Look at all these amazing things that God has made for his glory!" "Man usually does things to get the credit," she noted, "but God has made so many amazing and beautiful things that no one has ever seen...simply for his own glory!" That is amazing, isn't it! The entire creation glows with the glory of God's creative touch!
May all of mankind and all creation join in the song of the angelic seraphim that stand before God's throne, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory" (Isaiah 6:3)!

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