Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Get Back Up

"For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, but the wicked stumble in time of calamity"
(Proverbs 24:16).
Becoming a Christian does not mean that you become perfect. Having your sins forgiven does not imply that you will never struggle against temptation. Faithful Christians will continue to sin and make mistakes. But if Christians sin, what difference is there between a Christian and a person that continues to live in the world? The secret is found in the words of Proverbs 24:16. The person that continues in the world gives himself over to desires and lusts. Effectively, he doesn't fight against his own sinful desires. The Christian also sins and sometimes gives in to sinful desires. Yet, the Christian continues to wage war against these desires and battles toward eventual victory over them. The righteous man falls, just like the wicked man. The difference is, the wicked man stays down while the righteous man gets back up...time after time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jonathan, I enjoy these articles
keep up the good work. I read these several times when I was not able to attend worship.