Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Lost Tomb of Jesus?

The Lost Tomb of Jesus?
There is a sensational documentary by James Cameron appearing on the Discovery Channel this Sunday night (3/4/07) claiming that the tomb of Jesus Christ has been discovered. The entire Christian faith is built upon the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If there is a tomb of Jesus, then Christianity is false. Is there any validity to this "new evidence?" Or is this another attack upon the Christian faith by the anti-Christian agenda? To read more information on this topic, see the following links:
1. Read the article "Those Bogus Jesus Bones" by Wayne Jackson.
2. Watch the presentation on "The Lost Tomb of Jesus?" by Phil Sanders and Dewayne Bryant.
3. Watch the News Channel 5 report on Concord Road church of Christ's response to this issue.
4. Watch the Morningline show interview with Phil Sanders and Dewayne Bryant on Channel 5.
5. Read Phil Sander's blog article on this issue.

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