Thursday, March 25, 2010

Parental Instructions from a Non-Parent?

Well, I finish a series of lessons on the family today. It is a major understatement to say that in some ways I have felt woefully ill-equipped to address issues related to the family (and especially raising children) when I don't yet have children of my own. It is very similar to when I would be asked to bring lessons on marriage as a young preacher, though I myself had never yet been married.
Understandably, some people automatically will "tune out" when listening to a sermon about parenting that comes from someone who is not a parent. Likewise, why should I listen to a sermon on marriage from someone who has never been married himself? As a preacher, I once really struggled with this. I determined that there were only two options. I could either never address issues related to marriage and the family until I had the personal experience (and thus not preach the "whole council of God" as I have been charged to do in Acts 20:27), or I could simply speak what God has spoken on these issues and let him use me to communicate his message and attempt to avoid adding my personal opinions. I have chosen the latter.
Think about it for a moment. Jesus often taught on marriage (cf. Matthew 19:1-12), yet he never married. The Apostle Paul gave instructions on child-rearing (cf. Ephesians 6:1-4), but he never had any children of his own. One does not have to have experiential knowledge to be able to communicate what God's instructions direct concerning marriage and the home (although admittedly it can really help the audience relate if you do!).
Perhaps one of the reasons that the state of the family is in such disarray today is because we have listened to the council of men for far too long. Too many parents have built their families on the advice of child-psychologists, popular parenting books, or upon the misguided advice of others whose techniques of parenting do not stand the test of time. It is time that we return to the advice of the First Parent and listen to what our Heavenly Father instructs about the home.
Much of God's advice about parenting is extremely controversial in our current day, it is counter-cultural, and politically-incorrect. Yet God's directives for the home have proved effective for generations; and rightfully so, since He is the architect of the home.
If a single preacher gives lots of personal advice for marriage, you likely are justified to roll your eyes. If a preacher without kids gives his personal steps for raising a successful family, you are likely justified in turning a deaf ear. However, if a man of God simply points to instructions from God about the family we should carefully give attention to those passages on parenting, marriage and the home. Yet, we must each be responsible ourselves to make sure that what anyone proclaims on any topic is biblically accurate by a personal study of the Scripture (Acts 17:11).
If I am ever guilty of "preaching my opinion" on any matter (including parenting), you would do well to dismiss, or even ignore it. But as I strive to simply speak and expound only "the oracles of God" (1 Peter 4:11) I would say with the Apostle Paul, "let him recognize that the things I write [or speak] to you are the Lord's commandment" (1 Corinthians 14:37).

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