Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why Are You Really Leaving?

There are different reasons why preachers leave congregations. There are various legitimate reasons for moving from one congregation to another as a preacher of the gospel. In this article I want to dispel some reasons you may think we are leaving and let you see why we are really leaving.

1. Are you leaving for more money? Hopefully you know me better than this. I don’t preach for pay; I preach because it is my passion. However, it is true that men of faith must “provide for their own households” (1 Tim. 5:8) and Scripture says preachers are to make their living from the gospel (1 Cor. 9:14). Churches must make sure they adequately provide for their preachers financially (1 Tim. 5:18). You have been an unbelievably generous church to us. You have always exceeded our expectations for compensation. This church has been far better to us financially than we deserve, and we will never forget that. Some preachers have to leave congregations for more money. Such is not the case with us. We are not motivated to leave for a salary increase.

2. Are you leaving because you are “advancing the preaching ladder?” Some people tend to view the church with the same criteria of the business world. Some preachers think that they need to “advance the preaching ladder.” Thus, some start as youth ministers, advance to preaching for a congregation of 100, and try to “move up” from there. God’s kingdom is a single body (Eph. 4:4). Each gathering of Christians is of equal value regardless of size. You may think, “Jonathan wants to move to a bigger church.” Let me assure you that is not our motivation either. In some ways I think moving to a bigger church will actually be a “step down.” I am not trying to “advance my preaching career” by leaving Spring Hill, that would be a selfish and prideful motivation. Preaching is not just a job for me; it is about God using me to the utmost in the work of his kingdom.

3. Are you leaving because you are frustrated with the work here? Absolutely not! God has done amazing things in the 5 ½ years that I have been at Spring Hill. This church is a completely different church now that it was then…and for the better! I see unbelievable spirituality in this church! I see the spiritual growth of people. I see unlimited potential and untapped resources sitting in our pews. I feel like the work of the Spring Hill Church is doing better now than ever. This was the single most difficult thing to leave when we decided to accept the work in Maryville. I will miss the spirituality of this congregation more than anything else.

4. Are you leaving because there is a problem in the leadership? The elders of this church are real men of God. They are Spirit-led men. They are men who have the humility and character of Christ. I love the elders of this church. They have let me be the preacher and focus on preaching the word. They trusted me to do the work of the evangelist, and let me do it without looking over my shoulder. Again, it is hard to leave a place where you work under such an understanding group of elders. The elders here are united in purpose and focused upon the real mission of the church. I beg all of the members of this congregation to continue to follow the guidance and direction of the elders here; they are truly watching for your souls (Heb. 13:17).

So why are you leaving…really? I want to be available for God to use me where I can be of the most benefit to His kingdom. I have always prayed that God would use me to the utmost in his work. Providentially, God opened a door to work in a place where there will be more resources and possibility for expanding the kingdom. Michelle and I believe this will be a great place for us to grow together spiritually as a husband and wife. We are blessed to begin a new work together and let God use us to his glory.


Anonymous said...

Jonathan, I know you are making the best decision for you and michelle. We are all sadden by your decision but we are behind you. We will definetly miss yall.I have seen so much growth since you came to Spring hill Church of Christ.There is a warmth of Christian Family that was missing.I thank you for this it was needed and i think no one new how to bring it in.I will keep your family in my prayers.I do prayer our new preacher will be as open as you are.I know you will do your best as you preach the WORD OF GOD no matter where you go.You continue to teach never change this was your calling.

Jonathan Jones II said...

I'm not sure who you are that left this comment, but thanks. These words are very uplifting to me and mean so much! I love the Spring Hill congregation and will miss it greatly.