Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Power of Jesus' Salvation

A friend sent me a link to this extremely moving video. As I began watching it, I thought it was weird and kind of "cheesie." But as I continued watching it, I was moved to tears. I almost did not post this link for fear that some people would think I am endorsing dramatic performance, dance, or instrumental music in worship. I stand opposed to these things because there is no Scriptural authority for them in our worship. But I felt compelled to share this with you because it is such a powerful ILLUSTRATION of what Jesus has done to save us! Please be patient and watch this entire video, you will be moved to tears because of what Jesus has done for you! (YouTube Link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=FVJqRLU3J0I).


Anonymous said...

Absolutly amazing! That really hit the spot.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! A powerful representation of what Jesus has done for us. When he was holding off the "sins" I was particularly touched. What a Savior!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this.