Friday, May 25, 2007

Upcoming Sermon Series

Recently I read some advice given to preachers by Andy Stanley, "...if you preach from your weakness, you will never run out of material." It amazes me when I hear preachers say "I don't know what to preach," or "I've run out of preaching material," or when I see preachers frequently recycling sermons. I am convinced that if you are trying to live the Christian life, have your eyes open to life and the needs of people, and are continually reading your Bible you will never run out of material to preach.

There are so many things that need to be preached. So many things Christians, churches, and families need to hear. There are so many things I want to study (for my own benefit)--things that turn out to be topics others need as well.

There are always circumstances that come up in preaching when topics need to be changed. Having said that, here is my tentative plan of preaching topics on Sunday nights for the next few months:

1. A Biblical study of grace. Why is it so amazing? Sunday nights this summer!

2. How did we get the Bible? Do we have the right number of books? Are there inspired documents missing from our Bibles? Sunday nights this Fall!

3. Why does God allow suffering? Why do bad things happen to good people while the wicked seem to prosper? How can suffering be compatible with a loving God? Sunday nights in the winter!

1 comment:

Dale's Spot said...

Amen on your thoughts and the upcoming series look really great. I thank God for your service to Him and feel honored to minister near you. May God bless you with every good thing.