Friday, March 23, 2007

Is That in the Bible?!

People have strange ideas about the Bible. I remember someone saying that the Bible says, "A whistling woman and crowing rooster are an abomination." In case you didn't already know, the Bible nowhere says that. There are many things that people think that the Bible says that it does not actually say. By the same token, there are many amazing things in the Bible that many people don't know are there. Here are some amazing things that you may not know are in the Bible:

  1. God used a beauty pageant to save the Israelite nation from genocide (Esther 2:8-13ff).
  2. The Bible calls sexual intimacy in marriage the "sweetest of all songs" and God inspired an entire book of the Bible about it (Song of Songs 1:1).
  3. The spiritual battles taking place within our world sometimes delay the answer to our prayers. [Daniel had been praying for three weeks. An angel had been sent out from the first day Daniel prayed but was delayed because of a spiritual battle (read Daniel 10:2, 12-13ff)].
  4. There are different types of angels. The "cherubim" have four wings (Ezek. 10:18-22) and the "seraphim" have six wings (Isaiah 6:2).
  5. The little shepherd boy David (soon to be King David) was a red head (1 Sam. 16:12; "ruddy" means red).
  6. The book of Ruth was written to trace King David's lineage. David became a "man after God's own heart" (Acts 13:22) because of the conversion of his great-grandmother Ruth (Ruth 3:18-22).

Pick up your Bible and read it everyday. You never know what you will find!

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