Saturday, October 21, 2006

A Wise Old Bible Student

“A Wise Old Bible Student”

by Jonathan Jones II

A truth-seeking man studied God’s Book,
While studying, inside himself he did look.
Only his own will for years had he sought,
He had not served God, in the way that he ought.
For years he had tried to find ways out,
Avoiding obedience, taking a rebel’s dark route.
Often he claimed, the Bible doesn’t say not to!
Now broken and searching he read the old Book anew.
No longer was he seeking to justify himself,
Looking to know God he approached his bookshelf.
Opening the Bible, God’s will he would obey,
No longer would he do everything his own way.
What does God want for me and my life?
This was his prayer, “Bring peace amid strife.”
God’s word would guide all his days left ahead,
But there were many things that the Bible left unsaid.
God’s silence once gave him permission to do,
anything and everything that he wanted it to.
But now this man genuinely wanted to know,
“What has God said? Which way should I go?”
One thing was for certain, God must be held above all,
He is the Master and Lord, before Him we must fall.
With purpose God speaks and intentionally he rests,
Treat God as holy, two of the sons of Aaron can attest.
God says what he means, don’t go beyond his Word,
When we listen and obey God’s holy name is honored.
Blessed is this man who puts God’s will always first,
Speak in God’s silence, the gamble may end in a curse.

1 comment:

Darlene said...

Dear Jonathon,
Your poem had much meaning that everyone who reads it can relate in meaningfulness’ in each own heart and self examination of self improvement. I sent a copy to our mutual friend Brian Schwinge in Blackwood, NJ. I’m sure that anyone who reads your poem can not but self examine his or her self.
Thank you for such a great job in the Lords work continue for we all benefit.
Love Him, Darlene