Friday, October 06, 2006

Bible Teacher's Toolbox

The Bible Teacher's Toolbox
On-line study links for the busy Sunday School Teacher

Teaching Tools for Kidos (General)
E-Bible Teacher.Com
Sunday School Teachers Resources and Coloring Pages

Study Sites (Brotherhood)
1. Biblical Periodicals
The Christian Courier
Reason & Revelation
2. Commentaries
The Four Fold Gospel
Acts by J.W. McGarvey
James Burton Coffman's Commentary on New Testament

Study Sites (General)
(*filter everything through the lense of Scripture)
1. Concordances
Nave's Topical Bible
Strong's Concordance
Torrey's Topical Textbook
2. Lexicons
3. Bible Dictionaries
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Smith's Bible Dictionary
4. Online Bibles
Bible Gateway: 13 versions & 19 languages
Online Study Bibles: 22 versions
The Interlinear Bible
Audio Bible
5. Commentaries
People's New Testament
Matthew Henry's Commentary
Robertson's Word Pictures
Jamieson, Fausset, & Brown
6. Church History
Early Church Fathers
Church Fathers
Fox's Book of Martyrs
Creeds & Confessions
Restoration Movement
7. Maps & Charts
Old Testament Books Chronology Chart
New Testament Books Chronology Chart
Manna Maps (Old and New Testament) a few free maps
Bible.Org Maps (Old and New Testament) GREAT maps!
Bible History Maps (Old and New Testament) most black & white, some color

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

vdgyrmHi; wish I had all this imformation when I was teaching. They should appreciate you so much for setting this up. I am feeling some better think they just over whammed me with the surprise luncheon for me and the Bible School Ladies. It was so great!!! Keep up the good work. Just remember all work & no play makes Jon a dull boy, lol. Hope to see you tonight. Mae