Getting to Know Jonathan & Michelle (Part 5)
Michelle and I moved the majority of our belongings to our new apartment in Maryville on Monday (Nov. 16). Glen Hazel, Mike Parker, Lee Allen, Chuck Drum, Danny Morris and Bill Walt all met us and helped to unload the U-Haul truck in record time! It was clear that this was not the first time that these guys helped with a move! They were professionals!
For the next two weeks, we will be "living out of our luggage" while we are still in Spring Hill finishing up things here and spending time with our families for Thanksgiving.
My first official Sunday at Maryville is rapidly approaching (December 6). It is encouraging to me that there are so many capable men who have been filling the pulpit responsibilities until that time. There are lots of ideas running through my head about sermons for December. We are both excited about a new start and being a part of a wonderful new church family. Thanks so much for your continual prayers for the Spring Hill congregation. Please continue to remember the brethren here as they are working to find a man to continue the preaching work here.